Caught by the River

Inside The Stepper

18th November 2010

Dear Caught by the River,

My tweedy friend John Isaac put me on to this blog. Fantastic! As a long-time fan of Roger Deakin and Ronald Blythe, two fellow Suffolkians, I love it.

I thought you might enjoy this poem called Inside the Stepper. It is a revisitation of the John Betjeman poem ‘Trebetherick.’ – whilst he was a walker, I’ve been in love with Trebetherick for some time for the rare wave (daymer point) that breaks down the rocky estuary mouth. This poem is about the idiosyncrasies of this beautiful slice of England. Hope you enjoy it.

Dan Crockett.
Dan’s blog.

Inside the Stepper

The horizon painted sudden dark

Beyond the hallows; Doom Bar

The treachery a siren call

To watch the wane of springs

Teeth of Greenaway afright

And tease the naïve mariner

Then cast around the point itself

The sweep of supple webs

From end to end the Fishing Cove

Cautious for the catch-rock suck

Understudies clutching estuary sand

Salutes neath shadows of the mound