Caught by the River

Favourite Things

12th December 2010

Things we have enjoyed in 2010.

‘Just Kids’ by Patti Smith (Bloomsbury)

…..she writes about hav­ing her pic­ture taken, by (Robert) Map­pleth­orpe, for the cover of her debut album, ‘Horses’. It’s an image that estab­lished Patti as an icon and one that I’m sure you all know as well as I. It’s quite some­thing to be taken by her into that room, on that after­noon, when that fam­ous pho­to­graph was taken, and what she writes is pure poetry. I found it incred­ibly touching;

The clouds kept mov­ing back and forth. Some­thing happened with his light meter and he became slightly agit­ated. He took a few shots. He aban­doned the light meter. A cloud went by and the tri­angle disappeared. He said, “you know, I really like the white­ness of the shirt. Can you take your jacket off?“ I flung my jacket over my shoulder, Frank Sinatra style. I was full of ref­er­ences. He was full of light and shadow.

“It’s back, ” he said.
He took a few more shots.
“I got it.“
“How do you know?“
“I just know.“
He took twelve pic­tures that day.
Within a few days he showed me the con­tact sheet. “This one has the
magic,” he said.

Whenever I look at it now , I never see me, I see us.