Caught by the River

Shadows & Reflections: Brian David Stevens

Brian David Stevens | 10th December 2015

Shadows and Reflections: the annual collection of postings where Caught by the River’s contributors and friends take a look back on the events that have shaped the past twelve months. Today it’s the turn of Brian David Stevens:

This year I’ve mainly been photographing Heavenly artists, bit of a dream job to tell you the truth, although logistically sometimes a bit of a nightmare (having to cancel a few shoots because of having a brain scans was a bit of a low point..) I thought it might be interesting to go through some of my favourites.

1. Jock Scot
When Forever Heavenly announced they were reissuing Jock’s album ‘My Personal Culloden’ it was a cause for celebration, the track “All Over The World, Girls Are Dreaming” has been stuck in my head since I first heard in in 1997. Sadly Jock isn’t well at the moment, but I was determined that shouldn’t be what the picture should be about, I wanted Jock to be strong and fearless, just like his work.

2. Duke Garwood
When I was photographing Jock, he asked me what other bands he would he would like on the label, I thought of Duke. “What’s he sound like then?” said Jock, the only way I could describe his sound was “It sounds like smoke…”

3. Tom Dougall (TOY)
This was the first shoot I did after getting out of the hospital, typically things went wrong with the equipment, with the camera not connecting to the flash properly, blurring the image, but it worked. Heavenly, believe in magic……

Brian David Stevens on Caught by the River