Caught by the River

Save Minster Marshes!

18th November 2023

A campaign is underway to save Minster Marshes — one of the few true areas of wilderness in Thanet — from threat of development by the National Grid.

A vital corridor between Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve (an SSSI) and the rest of the South East,  Minster Marshes currently supports a wealth of birdlife, including barn owls, partridges, skylarks, grasshopper warblers, garden warblers, curlews, golden plover, lapwings, Hen harriers, Marsh harriers, yellowhammers, sparrowhawks, Jack snipe, Common snipe and turtle doves. Grass snakes, slow worms, brown hares and water voles also call this space home.

Keith Ross (@ramsgatebirds) demonstrates the diversity of life on Minster Marshes

The National Grid are proposing use of the site to build a vast converter station over several hectares —  to the detriment and devastation of the local ecology. Supported by the Thanet Green Party, the Save Minster Marshes campaign is spreading the word about the threat to the marshes and its wildlife, and urging the National Grid to consider alternative brownfield sites for development.

Get involved:

– Until 18th December, you can lodge your concerns via the National Grid’s statutory consultation

Sign the petition to save the marshes

– Join the Save Minster Marshes Facebook group , where you can keep up to date with campaign developments and events

– Share the campaign widely — every voice adds weight!