Caught by the River

Now Playing

20th July 2024

‘Nine Maidens’ by Matthew Shaw.

Taken from the album A Journey To The Stones, due for release on Glass Modern on 6th September.

Matthew writes:

‘Walking ancient Trackways.

Each place contains its own atmosphere, each stone its own resonance. Stones of Kernow and an old favourite ancient dolmen in Dorset provided the inspiration and locations for the recordings you will hear within this album. Stone circles, standing stones, ancient trackways, quoits, carns, cairns, hillforts and sacred springs have all contributed to the sounds within. Places such as these have long provided inspiration for me over the years but never before have I so literally composed a collection of music in such a dedicated way.

After recordings were collected and sampled the resulting compositions were sculpted and formed in an old granite cottage in Penryn. Granite is ubiquitous in Cornwall, its lithic presence along with quartz and lichen. Moss and leaf moulds that grow, rest and settle on the stones themselves.’