We received some unexpected and delightful post this week from The Learning Something New About Nature Club — a self-described ‘snail mail project whereby you learn something new about nature every month…’
The project is run by Izzy de Watt, who further explains:
‘What is this Learning Something New About Nature Club?
A poster, a practice, a snail mail arts project, a poem, a conversation starter,
A piece of art
On a piece of paper
Teaching you
And me
New about nature
Once a month
Signing up to this substack
will alert you
When there is a new thing
To learn about nature,
For there will always be
A new thing to learn
About nature.’
In return for £6, subscribers will receive an A4 risograph print, printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink by Petit Press (UK-only addresses for now). Find out more/sign up to get yours here.