Caught by the River

Thames Inspired

Cheryl Tipp | 11th May 2011

illustration by Pete Starling.

by Cheryl Tipp.

The River Thames has been a source of inspiration to humans for centuries. Painters, musicians, designers and writers have all been seduced by this watery muse and created works that are still admired and appreciated today. London Transport Museum in collaboration with the Association of Illustrators has continued this trend by selecting the Thames as the main theme for the 2011 Serco Prize for illustration. Entrants were required to make the river a core element of their design to reflect its continual influence on London and London life. No graphic would be complete without reference to the various modes of transport available in the capital, so artists also had to work this factor into their final submission.
The top 50 finalists will have their work displayed in a special exhibition at the London Transport Museum from 10 May – 3 June 2011 and it will be fascinating to see what the Thames means to each of these individual artists.