Caught by the River

The 500th Posting on Caught By The River

28th February 2009


…which happened to coincide with the delivery of a couple of proof copies of our first book, so a doubly proud day in CBTR Towers. The book is due out on June 16th through Cassell Illustrated. It features exclusive writing on the UK’s waterways by the likes of (among many others) Irvine Welsh, Gavin Pretor Pinney, Chris Yates, Bill Drummond, John Andrews, Dexter Petley, Karl Hyde, Jude Rogers, Laura Barton and Bob Stanley. We’re dead chuffed with it. Hope you like it when you get to see it, we’ll post details of launch parties and the like nearer the publication date.

We’re going to update the shop at the start of next week – check back for any changes. also, make sure you’re subscribed to the site as we’ll be doing another blink-and-you’ll-miss-it compilation mail out next week. And it’s a bloody good one. We’ll be sending out another subscriber discount token for the shop too.

Right, better getting working on those pints…